Many a times in this journey you experience absolute peace and calm, days when the ocean of the local consciousness is calm until ripples of latent desires accumulated from previous actions come and hit you and agitate the mind in form of some emotion. It could be any emotion like fear, greed, boredom, arrogance, et cetera.
If you are mindful, you recognise it and let it go, but if you are not mindful, the harm is done by your sense organs reacting to that, adding one more latent desire in the pool of your casual body. This song is a calling to our lower minds to leave all these worldly pursuits and remain established in the bliss and peace of ‘Self’.
English Translation of Hindi Lyrics:
We give clothes to the poor in charity,
We give food to the needy in alms,
But our hearts are filled with impure thoughts and pride,
Unless we clean the mirror of our own heart;
The divine will not descend and reflect in that mirror.
We get up early at 3:00 A.M,
Reciting our chants or performing worship,
We lit the lamp at the altar of the Divine,
But the inner instrument is filled with darkness of greed and arrogance,
He keeps pouring all his love and affection,
But our hunger never ceases and we never feel content;
We keep on gathering and hoarding lifeless things of the world,
How can we become the vehicle that holds Divine,
How can we find the jewel in the lotus of our own hearts.
We give clothes to the poor in charity,
We give food to the needy in alms,
But our hearts are filled with impure thoughts and pride;
Wake up from this sleep of ignorance, my mind,
How long will you wander in the illusion of temporary happiness,
You are a swan, with wings of discrimination and dispassion,
You alone are there, so let’s fly breaking all the shackles of attachments,
How long will you keep on just tasting the drop of an ocean?
Clean you mirror and see the reflection of pure Awareness,
You are That, abide by the Eternal Awareness .
But first clean the mirror of your heart,
Unless we clean the mirror of our own heart;
The divine will not descend and reflect in that mirror.
Hindi lyrics:
Tan ko dhaankein, bhoj karaaye,
Mann ki Maila ko duo na paaye,
Shuddh param jab Chitta nahi ho,
Hrdaya mein Govind kaise aayein;
Bramha-muhurta mein Red saran kar,
Mandir mein tu deep jalaayein,
Antarman ki deepak jyoti,
Apne lobh se roz ghataaye,
Dene waala detaa jaaye,
Jiva ki joli bhar naa paye;
Kankadh pathhar kare jamaa woh,
Mani-Pushpak kaise ban payee;
Tan ko dhaankein, bhoj karaaye,
Mann ki Maila ko duo na paaye,
Mann mere tu ban bairaagi,
Kab tak maya mein bharmaaye,
Hans hai tu ab udh jaa akelaa,
Kab tak daana chugtaa jaaye;
param roop jo bomb mein dikhtaa,
Nitya sui mein sthith ho jaaye;
Shuddh param jab Chitta nahi ho,
Hrdaya mein Govind kaise aayein.
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