O master,
Take me along too,
To her chintamani graha,
I shall witness her majestic red form,
Take me along too,
To her cremation ground,
I shall witness her wrathful dark form.

O Master,
Will you hold me?
If her sight made me fall in love,
Will you hold me?
If her sight frightened me and I fell.

O master,
Ask her, to come in my dream,
You have played in her lap,
This will take me 1000 births,
Your grace can do in one.

Her fair-face,
Her dark-face,
Her benign smile,
Her ferocious war-cry,
Her flower-garland,
Her skull-garland,
Her champaka flower-adorned hair,
Her open unkempt dry hair,
Her benevolent sugarcane,
Her mighty sword,
Her red ruby lips,
Her bloodstained lips,
Her full bosom draped in red saree,
Her bare-breasted nude dark form,
Has left me wonder-struck,
Has left me fear-struck,
Has left me lovestruck,
Has left me petrified.

I am in love Master!!
I am scared Master !!

I go to her Kadambavan,
Pick a few black roses,
To offer at her feet.
I pick a sword,
Slay my polluted head,
To offer at her feet.

The black roses are now red soaked in my blood.
My skull is part of her Garland.

She is smiling,
She is crying,
She is happy,
She is sad.

It’s Red everywhere,
It’s Black everywhere

What good is  my devotion
Sometimes I am a beggar,
Sometimes I am a king,
Sometimes I am a devotee,
Sometimes I am a sceptic,
Sometimes I am an ascetic,
Sometimes I am a gluttonous indulgent,
Wood burned and became coal,
Coal burned and became ash,
A sinful I burned,
I could become neither coal nor ash.

O Master,
What intoxicating wine, is this master !!
That heart always remains joyful and ecstatic,
The heart which drinks from this cup of love,
That heart always remains joyful and ecstatic,

O Master, Is Mother present everywhere!!
O Master, Is Mother present all the time!!
O Master,
Only you can invoke her.
Only you can see her off!!

It’s Red everywhere.
It’s Black everywhere.

It’s Red everywhere.
It’s Black everywhere.

P.S. Since March is the Month of Woman empowerment, So this an ode to the cosmic mother and greetings to all the beautiful women out there. Of course, all women are beautiful.

Jai Shri Hari !!