Last evening i was talking to a sadhak over the phone about the path of he asked me bhaya what are signs that you can tell me that i am going forward on the path of i told him about what is my experience of this and what signs do i see as a progress on the path of sadhana or meditation.So i thought of sharing with you all too it might help someone.

My first experience is the demand for the food and sleep quota reduces.Its like you get a control over your food and sleep and you realise that less is more.In short your quality of eating and sleeping increases.

Now,the most significant sign is just like how microscope let us see the objects invisible to the naked eye.In the same manner meditation helps us to see the afflictions and impurities within us which we normally don’t see and sometimes if we see then also we just ignore it.But with meditation-scope we are not only just able to see the impurities within us but also to work on cleaning it gently not roughly.

This is the beautiful thing about sadhana it makes us aware of our impurities without guilt.people think meditation will make you pure and this is the path of purity no impure thoughts or actions but I don’t think so because we were always pure and will be always pure and stainless because “we are that” but we don’t realise it. 

Meditation will give us the awareness of the impurities we hold in ourselves in our speech, thoughts,intentions or actions.we may get angry,we may fall on the path but with meditation you will know that if the same situation comes next time I won’t be angry if i fall i will rise,with this awareness we will see our pure being which was ever present in the veil of ignorance.

Like kabir said:निंदक नियरे राखिए, ऑंगन कुटी छवाय, बिन पानी, साबुन बिना, निर्मल करे सुभाय।

Kabir says: people who criticize us keep them very near to you,if possible make a small room or Hut for them in your house, because they clean and make you pure without soap and water.In this modern era it will be little costly though not everyone of us can afford that 😂😂 a bit of humour is always refreshing.

Meditation is just that critisizer which will make you pure without any soap or these are the signs which i see as a progress on the path of sadhana.May mahadev grace always be with everyone Love and light.. shambhoo 🕉️❣️