Warning– All the things written are writer’s perceptions. It is an individual perceptions. Other are free to hold on their ideas or belief. Before reacting to my statement, please read it carefully. I am open to all idea or beliefs which is good for upliftment of human being. Please forgive me for unable to express beautifully as I english may not be so good but reader should understand what the writer is trying to convey message. I hope that I am abel to covey my message to society properly.

First of all I would like to thank all of you for providing me this platform to express my view freely. I never expressed anything so openly in any platform. Anybody can use freedom of speech but still their freedom is restricted. Here, all the men I am talking about are indian men. I don’t know men of other countries. Indian men have special place in the society. They give their lives for their sister. Each year, we promise this to our sister during raksha bandan They give their lives for their wife or wives. They give their lives for their parents and even give their life for their country. With the time , woman has gained respect in the society in all over the world. Law maker have made law in the favour of woman. This is made on the assumption that woman are generally harassed. But it may not be so.Rather in some cases men are also harassed too.It is my prospective.It has good prospect and bad prospective also. Good prospective is that woman who are abused or raped get justice. But bad prospective is that some woman make bad use of law not only to harass men but also their family.

Mostly according to my perception, law made in favour of woman does not gives justice to the society.

Reason– 1)Most of the woman who are harassed and raped are mostly uneducated or related to remote places like town where they have no legal access to law. They even have no knowledge of laws.

2) Those who use the law are most powerful woman of the society and in turn they are helped by powerful men of the society. They actually misuse the law in their. Thanks to lawmaker now that they are also making law in favour of men also so that thay can at least defend themselves at time of attack.

According to me, nature law is more powerful than human law.  As human law are made on certain assumption. Those assumption may or may not be true because with time everything is subjected to change so the law. But nature’s law does not change with time. Holding onto any idea or believe is the dangerous for the society. 99.999 percentage of human being are conditioned and it includes me also. It is this conditioned mind which bring the society down whenever society tries to climb up. It is difficult, but not impossible to remove conditoning of mind. I personally feel that law should flexible so that people in power don’t make use of it. Mostly we see law are generally use or misused by powerful people of world whether it is men or woman. Common person whether men or woman always deprived of justice. This is not only case in india but also happening in every country. It is mostly due to the powerful men and powerful women that common people are subjected to harassment. From my personal view, I also don’t have answer to these problem as I am been conditioned just other people of the society. Only things, I understand is that spirituality has the answer to these questions but that can only happen if the people are open to other views also. Even blindly following spiritually is dangerous to our mind. The great example in front of us is Islam. Islamic leader gave birth to terrorism, it is perfect example of blind faith. Faith is powerful but when it is blind can deadly  dangerous. I hope that I have able to convey message what I intended to say. I am really sorry for english and also sorry for closing the comment section . People are free to chose their ideas or belief. My intentions is not to hurt anybody but if i am hurting intentionally then I am apologize for it. Thanking all of you and my best wishes to all of you.