I am beating the alarm by a minute at 4:29 AM and proudly DISMISS when it rings. I can feel the stillness. 

The visualization of my mind

As I write down my thought in early brahmamuhurat it just reminds me of many facts written about this timezone. The most auspicious, ideal, and godly time of the day. THINK, PRAY, CHEER UP 

karagrey vasati lakshmi

kar madhyae saraswati

kar muley tu Govinda

Prabhatey kar darshanam

The next moment I am cleaning myself, and the altar. 

I have started enjoying saying thanks to the divine mother. To Mahadev. To Hari. Sometimes I think I hope other GODS don’t mind when I do not take their names. Just like my daughter, who says dad is my favorite while holding the hand of my wife. And requesting me not to ask such questions as she loves both 🙂 

I am very conscious of my actions. Off late. Every moment, I remind myself

  • to keep calm,
  • be happy,
  • DO THE RIGHT THING no matter what,
  • do not worry about if the other person didn’t say hello to you
  • Everything is getting better day by day
  • everyone loves me

My wife always tells me that I must have done some good deed in my last life for I married her. But she is not sure what did she do! Do I need to elaborate or are some of you already noticing the familiarity with the conversation? 😀 

After I changed my job, I changed myself. Stopped holding back. EXPRESSING EVERYTHING. May be coz I drink a lot of espressos. This is a much better version than the earlier one.

Never take your eyes off your target. But do not keep staring at the target also. I learned this from trekking. While uphill, if you notice the peak is way up, it demotivates you from taking steps. Instead, head down, keep climbing, and focus totally on the next step and not the peak. We all have our own mount Everest to climb. Figuratively. 

Our Own Mt Everest

It’s time to wake up the kids and make coffee. (remember espresso)

Let’s keep climbing (our) Mt Everest, TOGETHER!

You all have a great day!


Illustrations were randomly scribbled by me just like I jotted my thoughts here! Courtesy, my mind!