Applause applause applause👏 A roaring round of applause for you and me please! We totally deserve it! 42 days into this fitness journey and I could’nt have made it without you. It all started with this simple question . Really glad that I let out this desperate cry for help.🙏
It takes at least 40 days to form a new habit and I’m glad my mind knows now, the first thing it must do after getting up is get down on the mat🙂 Hurrah! No more excuses…Heck I continued with my yoga challenge yesterday even though it was a Sunday. I think I’m loving it wholeheartedly, or should I say wholebodiedly😃
Last week, I did face some hiccups due to a persistent pain in my abs because of which I had to skip my planks for 3 days. On the most painful day, I managed to squeeze through just 1 round of Surya Namaskar. But that’s okay, I did the best I could to help my body recover while ensuring I didn’t break the chain. And then no 2 days are the same. You see what I mean.
Like today morning when I had to skip my jumping jacks and plank because I was in a rush for the morning arti. I’m gonna do it before I hit the sack tonight. Promise! You see my dedication.
Any guesses why I am so desperate to prove that I am all into it ?🙂
Okay, the 40 day theory, Yes
Physical fitness equates to mental fitness, Yes
I’m going to bring an end to this fitness journey…Oh sorry, excuse my slip of fingers.🫣I’m going to bring an end to the posts on my fitness journey. Honestly, my yoga and workouts have become effortless and it is the posts that demand the most of my efforts now😃
I’m already 14 days into my yoga challenge – almost halfway through. It is absolutely fun. I’m tempted to take up more. So, here’s my plan. Take up different 30 day yoga challenges for the next 5 months and then decide further.
I would love to have more exciting mini challenges that we can do together. Maybe, I will post it in Q&A section where you can express your inputs, participation, feedback and valuable suggestions. What say, will that work? And if you have an idea, please don’t shy away from challenging us. I have my hands raised already, high up in the air my fingers, piercing the clouds.
Hey that’s enough me,me,me. I am all ears for your fitness stories now. Please do share and inspire
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