There’s ample love all around
plentiful like the sparkly stars in the sky
but sometimes you just want someone
to care
care if you’ve eaten
like it probably was when your
mother was around
Or if you’ve struggled through the day
what was it about
whether the faults lie with you
or with the neighbour’s cat
it don’t really matter
you are not doing too good
if they could only see that
I know it’s too much
asking the world to roll over
applaud your every move
peel you an orange in the sun
but is this not the world
made of people you love
just as they do too
It even feels silly to cry like a baby
over such a tiny passing emotion
the aftermath is beautiful though
a deep knowing in the heart
we are all on our own
travellers for a little while
more apart than together
What shames me more
is for these little pleasures
of the world
the food and the applause
I so often forget my Gods
for who can ever see divinity
through a heart pickled in misery
And yet this forgetfulness never leaves me
the mind never tires of
leaning on newer expectations
it has of the world
all that it has vowed to renounce
it seeks out
like a man seeking gold out of dust
oh this worldly dust
how do I cast it off
living in it
I wish I could go silent
not utter another word
for a very long, long time
like a lone silent cow grazing on the grass
I know my patch of grass
it’s the feet of my Lord
and the arms of my Mother
when I stray from the grass
there’s no saving me
I must find my way back
where I am always loved…
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