Dearest Swamiji, dandavat pranam at your lotus feet. Now we have commenced the divine journey to your Ashram. I am not able to believe that we are really fortunate enough to see you in person! I cannot express my feeling. I am very very nostalgic. Sanghamitra is also emotional and Sahil is very excited. About Samil, you know better!

I cannot believe that I am penning down my one hundredth blog on this forum. Of course, I must acknowledge the contributions of Sanghamitra and Sahil also. The journey which started in the thick dark clouds of Vishada, has turned my family and my life to a totally different one. I never thought that I could write more than 3-4 posts and I would be gone. But I was wrong and am happy to be. Yes, life has become very meaningful, clarity of purpose has evolved and a sense of security has been established. On the occasion of this 100th blog posting, I would urge all the readers to go through my very first post to appreciate how things evolved over the short span of time to the present day, to appreciate the magical power of Swamiji to change lives, to understand how ‘good and positive vibes’ do really work.

Over the period of time, I have been showered lots of love and affection by all the family members which I cannot express in words. The kind readers’ community not only pulled me out from my low phase, but also established me as an inspiring writer from an aspiring writer. The inert desire of writing some good blogs to inspire others, took shape on this playground of our dearest Swamiji. The editorial team has been kind enough to publish seven of my blogs in their featured posts and the very talented Medha ji has referenced six of my blogs in the round ups / digests for which I am really grateful. All these are beyond my wildest imagination.

With more than 21.5 K inspiration points and about 9K interaction points, I could not have asked for more! Readers have loved my serious writings, mini series, poems both in English and Hindi (I am not that good at poems though!) and the most important experiences in humorous forms with Mulla Nasruddin jokes as the cherry on the top of the cake. Over this time frame, my English and presentation style have also improved a lot. Now I am the most sought after draftsman of our section to compose various types of official, demi-official and even personal letters😉. The credit purely goes to this great platform which has painstakingly nurtured my writing hobby. The platform has bestowed upon me an Identity. Lots of heartfelt gratitude for the same.

Coming back to our journey to the Ashram, I have been dreaming Chandigarh Airport, the taxi, the village road leading to the most divine place on earth i.e. Sri Badrika Ashram with the presence of Om Swami. I have been imagining the heavenly place all this time. I am really thrilled and the inner child inside me has jumped out with utmost excitement. It has caught loose. The Vigrahas of all the Gods and Goddesses established by Swamiji are attracting me with indomitable force. It is just like: I am a piece of iron dust being attracted towards a strong magnet.

I am not able to control my excitement. I am not able to write any further. I made a commitment to myself to complete this milestone of 100th post before I meet Swamiji as an offering. I am really happy that with all the works and busy schedules, I could pull it off. Fulfilling your commitment is the biggest satisfaction as mentioned by Swamiji in one of his posts when he could fulfill his commitment to be alongside his Pitashri during his last times.

Let me take a break from writing for a few days, pause my transmission, for I have to prepare myself to write the experience of the divine darshan of our beloved Swamiji. Let me be in radio silence to receive the maximum. Let me capture all those beautiful moments in my mind and heart so that they remain fresh till I die.

Wish you all a happy Holi. This Holi, let us all drench in the color of our beloved Swamiji with a bit of humor of course!

Thank you all and Jai Shri Hari…