After collecting holy water from Panch Ganga ghat, we returned.I wanted to stop there.But then I had planned to visit other places and besides I did not have much time. Our next door step was to see the real weaving of banarasi sarees. I did not have the idea that the actual sarees are woven by the Muslim community. So here we are… inside of a factory where I got a chance to see the weaving of sarees. I also went to the factory owners shop nearby. He described how to check whether the saree is duplicate or original . Also showed me some beautiful sarees. I purchased some for my home. There I got to meet one of his cousion who was also a young boy. His name is Nizam. Nizam was very humble and obedient. another innocent boy.. He was describing in extreme enthusiasm about the weaving of sarees in the factory.i really loved his simplicity. It was time for us to come from there.

Then our next target was Sarnath where a famous Buddhist temple is situated. But I had less interest to see that because I had many experiences of Buddhist temple in sikkim, meghalaya, and other places. So we headed to another Shiva temple by the name of between our journey, driver bhaiya revealed his real identity. He said he is actually a disciple of Naga sadhu. And he also does sadhna. He said about Shri Kinaram baba, a Naga sadhu and he is a follower of kinaram baba. That is why I found that during our journey a lot of people actually were calling him and some he were answering and to others he was avoiding. He told that in a month he does this auto rickshaw work for 12 to 15 days and rest of the days he is in to his puja. I also realized that he does tantra and he tries to help people . In his ashram there is placed a NARMUNDA to which he worships. I decided and told myself that I won’t be judgemental. And it is all a miracle. We stayed for some moments in sarang shiv mandir.. I did puja there and we started from there. We had lunch. It was 3pm .From there we were about to start for Markandeshwar temple which is situated in Kaithi.
To be continued….
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