I offer my obeisance at the Lotus feet of Sri. Hari and my Gurudev Rev. Sri Sri. Om Swamiji🙏 Krupa 🙏🕉


Lead me on the path that leads to Thy abode

Lead me to bathe in Thy pure Bhakti full of Thy Grace

Lead me to an unwavering strength that lives in Thy reverence

Lead me to Thy Eternal Love and Peace where Thy Bliss reigns

Lead me where my senses purely witness Thy soulful presence

Lead me and my every speck to simply breathe in “The Holy Dust” at Thy Lotus feet

Offerings at Thy Lotus feet as I await for your loving and kind response Sri. Om Swamiji🙏Bless me that my Soul only breathes and realizes  the simple Truth of all the journeys meant. Grant me and Bless me with the wish to eternally be at thy abode where Sri. Maa and Sri Hari reside🙏🕉🌺🐄


Jai Maa DUGGA🕉 Jai Sri Hari🕉 Alakh Niranjan 🕉

~Siddhika Umesh