I have surrendered myself unto Swamiji’s and Sri Hari Bhagwan’s feet. I was worried a lot about a lot of things. It used to make me paranoid, anxious and depressed. I was struggling to get on with life, to let go and to move on. I was struggling to accept the reality and to work on myself. But due to Swamiji’s grace I am doing much better today.

I get really worried about my future sometimes all because I seem to have lost so many opportunities and my dreams to be an achiever has struck a rock-bottom. Still, I am hoping that things will turn out good and I will do something with my life which will seem valuable to me and make me feel an achiever.

I was thinking that Swamiji does so much hard work and all his days are so productive. If I could just do it like him, to work hard and being productive throughout the day I will definitely get success sooner or later. Forget about the fruits of the action and just work hard for the sake of work itself. 

In the Black Lotus a wonderful quote came across me: “Drop the question what tomorrow may bring, and count as profit every day that Fate allows you.”-Horace. This quote gave me a lot of strength and purpose. Drop what tomorrow may bring, but focus on today and count each day as a chance, an opportunity, to work and do something.