There is a space in our heart that is so very sacred like the Garbha Griha or Sanctum Sanctorum of a temple. It is in our very depths and it is from here that all the beautiful emotions of love, forbearance, gratitude, selflessness, acceptance and compassion arise from. 

Like the innermost part of the temple, upon arriving there, our soul becomes silent, for it has connected with the energy of the all pervading Supreme -Who in a condensed from stands right before ones mortal eyes.

In the journey of this life, this heart once limited the Supreme to one beautiful idol that captured it’s attention. This idol is where its life source connected effortlessly and it found solace like no other place.

With the Grace of That very power, it now finds the same blissful source, right here in its unseen depths within. The bliss of this connection is beyond words for it is seamless and does not need any external validations. It is the closest this life could experience the Divine.

Yet to keep this connection is not easy.

Among the many things, the activities of the world that pull ones senses outside have to be given up.

The outward bound senses have to be curbed so the mind can settle in the bliss within.

The ego that forever needs validation of itself needs to be kept in check with the help of mindfulness and constant awareness.

There has to be forbearance towards everything that life gives and unending forgiveness towards one and all.

There will be tests to see how the sparks of desire are handled and how despair is taken care of and many more to remove the baggage of past karma. 

The tedious journey from the external to the internal space maybe has taken many lifetimes and to hold the Self in this space may take countless more.

I wonder , How can I do this with all my failings ?  How I wish to be here forever yet cannot…

This is when the gentle voice within speaks with love.

” You haven’t come here on your own by your will. You have never been alone and all through this journey.

He has been your constant companion. His love and compassion have let you have this experience. Just surrender to Him again and again with the awareness that it is His Will you are here and it is His Will you will stay within and it is His Will you will realise Him. 

Whenever the ego tells you that you are lost or you have faltered or  you have failed, fall on His Feet again with the same helplessness that was a part of you when you first met Him.He was and is your only caretaker.

Surrender again and again until all doubts and fears are removed. 

Your journey is never yours alone. Its your walk with Him and He leads you firmly holding your breath and pulling your essence into Him.

Leave it to Him.

You are already there where He wants you to be.”

With tears my ego surrenders.
