Ask yourself why you said yes;
That’s the question
To please her? Once you find the answer, next time be careful before committing.

If we can still write about something it means we haven’t healed yet.
: Esp. If it is an old incident
I am not a fan of sharing my struggles, they serve no purpose other than fulfilling nosy people and seeking pity.

This was my mid morning conversation with a fellow OS me co writer.

My committing to participate in struggles workshop was in response to our Chief editor whom i respect a lot,She is Swami ji s choice and a versatile and talented lady.

But why did i say yes to her request for committing to participate was now what i had to contemplate!

Is it my ego getting a massage by having no courage to displease any one or my victim or drama mode personality!

Yes it’s still a struggle for me to say No without a valid explanation.