On a short trip to our immediate family, after the maidservant left, I casually commented that after my mother-in-law’s passing away, there were fewer utensils, and the maid’s work was much less.

These were casual and entirely unnecessary lines that led to a conversation about how the work is less, yet the pay is the same and there is no other way out, etc.

However, after a while, my heart felt low for raising a topic that was so unnecessary.

As if my Mother Goddess wanted to complete my learning, the maid arrived at a time when there were none but me in the house. I asked her how she was doing and how her kids were. She has two daughters and a son.

The lady poured her heart out about how she wanted her children to study and how the tiny brick house she stays in is not helping her kids. She continued saying that she wished her girls got a good education and did not end up like her. She added that the house was so tiny that they were easily disturbed by TV or each other. Also, since she was exhausted after the day’s work, her kids helped her with the household chores.

She said, ‘Akka (sister), if I find a safe hostel for my girls, I would like them to stay there and fully focus on their studies and not end up like me. Also, my husband is a mason, and after covid, he hardly gets any work. He helps me in the house. All that I earn is the main source of our income. I will work harder and pay whatever the hostel fees is for their bright future.”

She probably works from morning six till evening 8 in several homes. And, I, who am sitting in the luxury of a multiple-bedroom home, had spoken about her work looking at the utensils of that one day. Ashamed and deeply regretting what I said behind her, I went silent.

My Mother Goddess taught me a life lesson, and I hope this shame and guilt make me more responsible and compassionate. Her free time in the whole day, an hour or two, is the entire time I spend in physical activity for my home. My conduct was insensitive to the core.

Speech is so precious; even more precious is feeling emphatic towards everyone. I misused one gift, and the other left my heart.
Making a promise to myself that never ever will I comment on anyone, especially those who toil day and night to fulfil a dream which I maybe have become casual about, I silently apologise to the Divine in her. 🙏