The days of shradh at times
feel heavier than a plough
yet in the distant sky
you can hear the light rumbling
of the clouds.

The wheels of the retinue turn
as She begins Her descent
in the deep heart of nine nights
from the darkness Devi emerges
as the fair morning light
manifesting Her nine forms
as the fanned plumage of a peacock.

From saffron to the midnight blue
She’s the Goddess who rules
She’s the winter to a hot summer
and fire to the cold
She’s the Divine Mother
my heart longs for.

In the quiet days that lie ahead
Her force will be felt
She’s the heart of all sadhana
the epicentre of the quake
and it’ll come quaking
as the divine kirtans begin
the air will have changed
charged as if
with the 64 crore companions
that follow Her everywhere.

The Mother of every atom
every cell
of all creation
will cut through the sorrow
all sickness and death
as a kitchen knife runs through
a tender fruit.

To my Goddess
I pay obeisance after obeisance
for the rumbling gains momentum
You are on the move
I feel You, O Devi
it’s in the movement of the wind
alignment of the stars
in the way of the holy scriptures
Oh dear beautiful Mother
the world awaits your many miracles…

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