Sometimes waving from right,
Sometime from the left,
Oh! Hair and your style,
How do I dare,
To fix you and where?

Tried this style,
And that too,
But your gait,
Never gets fair.

Oh! Head,
What hairstyle do you want?
Although I don’t wanna,
Spend thy day there,
Fixing always like a hare.

Oh! my head,
Don’t be dead,
Tell me what you wanna,
Or else I shave,
And get free of your drama.

But with a hairstyle,
I seem crazy,
And without one,
Completely lazy,
And shaved,
For God’s shake,
My face hazy.

P.S: Thank you and deep gratitude for reading my poems. It’s a newly discovered talent in me, maybe not rhyming and good enough, but I found poetry is the best medium to express our emotions. And that’s the reason I started writing them, it frees up my mind, relaxes me, and the creative expression is deeply fulfilling. I mostly write with my feelings and experience, and not to fill the word limit, so have to include these lines in every poem as they are shorter than one one-fifty words to publish. Accept my gratitude (although I don’t have much).

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
