O sweet Mother

long are the days of the mind

that are spent away from You

though sometimes one is close

yet like a circling moth

close to the light source

unable to truly see the light

so when I stand next to You

and You aren’t on my mind

it saddens me

like a child distant from her Mother


Strange are human ways

in ways that can’t be fathomed

perhaps it’s why Buddha left His palace

Blue Krishna walked amongst cowherds

to commune with the inner God

that’s so lost in conversation

just as fragrance lingers in hallways

filtering through the mesh

like an adamant wind chime

the happenings of the days

dance through the mind

with their bloodied feet


O my beautiful Mother

what use are these faculties

if they see and unsee You

what use is this love

that abates at the sight of others

why even the darkness in the sky today

dims in front of my heart

when there’s no lack

then what is there to hold

and yet a poor shadow of my self

I dance on patchy walls


In my most pensive moments

I ask for You to kill

with your mighty trident my ego

be the wrathful Kali

slay all that’s evil

where’s the unity of which

glimpses I see

I know You hide

in my fellow beings

please grant me the eyes

to see

a devotee blinded by littleness

is no devotee at all


In silence there’s a joy

a rare beauty

that escapes the finest conversation

oh how I long to be one

with You

drop all pretences

love freely

not a care in the world

not a cent’s worth

simply be

a peerless heart

in the ocean of your love…Mother