Today is one of those days

when I am faraway

from the sun rays

Unfulfilling my heart feels

unfulfilled in this phase

I know Her strength, love

and Her vastness

but my senses have tangled

the strings of my consciousness

And now there’s too little room

to breathe in Her love, and

to expand my consciousness

Her grace falls abundantly

on every fellow being

No bead remains detached

from the meru of the string

Here I am sinking, falling

apart like a dream

But I know She will gather

me into Her stream

Her love is huge enough

to hold the whole universe

Her grace is powerful enough

to churn blessings from curse

So let the mind sink and break

into an emotional outburst

But let’s not forget to love Her, 

To surrender and to trust

And She will transform our

phrases into a lovely verse

Note – Here ‘Sun rays’ refers to the source of the creation (Devi) – the rays of Her energy. ‘Meru’ refers to Devi i.e. the creator, whereas ‘beads’ refers to the creation. And creation cannot remain detached from the creator even for a second, else it will lose its very existence. ‘Our phrases’ refers to all the broken parts we have been carrying within us since a long time, which Devi (The Divine Mother) will eventually transform into a lovely verse.

Picture credit – dreamstime dot com