For years I have been standing on Your shore,
Bathed by the spray – a minute extension of Your vast Being.
It elates me, it invigorates me, it mesmerizes me,
And your end, O Ocean is well beyond my narrow seeing.
I prance in Your waters sometimes, just for a while,
And yet again, in Your Supreme Glory, I bask,
It has taken me all the years of my life to see,
That up ahead lies the True Task.
You, whose little extensions fill me with great joy,
And whose vast existence I just start to feel,
It is my task – my only task, to journey
Into Your vastness, hoping Yourself You will reveal.
Thou holder of the Jewels my puny mind cannot imagine,
Thou holders of Secrets this insignificant being cannot perceive,
Thou are the only One who can ferry me over Yourself,
If I become worthy, this Grace I may receive.
Will I be granted the path over Thy vastness?
Will I be granted to ability to dive into Thee?
Will I be one who will see – a tiny jewel of the immense fortunes You hold?
Will in this life, Your glimpse, I get to see?
Note: Ratnagrabha is a name attributed to Lord Vishnu in the Vishnu Sahasranaman. He has taken the form of the ocean and the ocean is so called as gems are found in its depths. In the poem, the ocean alludes to the One Divine.

A short poem
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