Blog-Regrets in life 

In Australia , there was a nurse named Browni , who was deputed in the special ward of hospital where dying patient were admitted . She got experience of regrets of patients who were on the verge of dying . 

She had also authored a book 📚 – Regrets 

There are regrets shared by the patients to the deputed Nurse Browni as given below 👇 

I could care my family -parents , wife and children 🧒 👧 
I could enjoy my life by travelling , seeing the beautiful places and staying in good hotels , eating delicious food . 
I could make good relation with my relatives and friends, parents , wife and children 
I could make my self happy and keep my self in peace and tranquillity. 
I could earn the wealth and make the property in life 
I could spend the money which I earned  by burning of my blood 🩸 in life on  myself and on my family comfort . 
Neglecting health beyond Its repair 
Not standing with justice with myself and others  in life 
I could be faithful and trustworthy to my wife  in  my life 
Letting loneliness takes over in life 
Not given respect and love to myself and ❤️ to family 
Not chosen the proper career in life 

It appears as though life has a rear mirror and we’re steadily gazing at it, longing to dive into past and hoping to change whatever we could. We wish we had lived a little differently, or that we were wiser.

Good Morning / Namaste 🙏 

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