It was the last month of the covid year 2021. As the winter was settling in and life as tired and busy as a humming bee, often at times I wonder what my Swamiji is upto these days. I know the ashram timings got changed and I suspected Swamiji working with international teams. But as small as our little minds think, it’s not easy to grasp the grandeur of big projects that only the destined can do. From spiritual beings gifted to visit the ashram on this covid year, rumors spread that Swamiji was keen on doing something for Sanatana Dharma. 

After a teaser and team intro, the trailer of the Sadhana app was released, and not in my wildest imaginations I could have come close to guessing Swamiji’s work. The teaser, the team, and the trailer was something out of this world. And it gave us a glimpse to see Swamiji’s awesome creation.

Can you imagine what Swamiji is doing for us? It is just pure awesomeness to witness a creation of this scale

  • Siddhasrama is a digital spiritual kingdom.
  • No one can destroy our temples because it’s digital.
  • No one can invade this nor destroy it. We can easily back up and restore it.
  • Our temple is universal now. Easily accessible at any place and time.
  • Our sadhanas won’t fall out of our lineage. All it needs is a smartphone to connect and do our pooja, fire offerings, and abishekam at the convenience of our home. (better than sitting and swiping endlessly through Facebook, insta)
  • No one can steal idols from our temple. ( Morning you go to the temple and the idol is missing. How will be your mental state? This has happened in many of our temples)
  • Our temple will be eternally clean. No maintenance on that :p
  • At no point in time govt will interfere in the operation of this temple nor take over it.

Swamiji’s hard work has manifested Siddha ashram into the digital realm for us.Long live Sanatana Dharma !!!

Saints of our ancient times were always tech-savvy. Not only they were saints, but they were also scientist too. From Agasthiya muni, Patanjali, Bhogar to Thirumoolar sage and many others everyone preserved their best work in the best possible technology of their time. By writing in palm leaves and carving in stones, knowledge and wisdom withstood the test of time till now. From this point, digital is the way forward and Swamiji is here to take it forward from here. All I could do is standby and witness his grand scale of operations. 

Swamiji is someone who always reminds me not to play small anymore. Not from his words alone but by his actions. I share the same vision as Swamiji and the same view towards money. Money acts as an enabler for us to do great things. And its our shared responsibilty to support swamiji in this great cause by donating whatever we can.

Sadhana is very important and right now saving Sanatan Dharma is a Sadhana in itself whose benefits our future generations will reap. Instead of destruction let’s leave behind something useful for our future generations. 

Have you ever entered into an ancient temple with devotion and been taken aback when you see our temple’s idols with missing faces, legs, hands etc? Do you know that they were not carved that way? Have you forgotten our history? These destroyed sculptures were once great exquisite carvings but the invaders destroyed our temples and built their forts over ours. This is why a digital temple is very important in present times. Today what we are trying to save is just the leftover from the invasions. 

Also, today is an important day, it’s our republic day. Our Hindustan, Bharat is free today only because of bloodshed and the sacrifice of great selfless people. As we pay respect to our fallen soldiers let us also remember the sacrifices made by great freedom fighters, emperors, and Naga sages who did their best to protect our temples. Bharat is the spiritual kingdom where many enlightened beings lived. No other country can hold this glory than us. Our temples, mantra and sadhana are our lifelines. Its time to unite and rebuild Sanatana dharma back to its glory. 

Just like this squirrel who did his part in helping Rama build the bridge, I did my small part for Swamiji.
I personally request everyone to do your best. Will you? 

Soorrya Om

Sadhana App page if you missed to take a look  – 

PS – Kindly don’t hit the ” Support the author” button below my name.  Also, my employment conditions doesn’t allow me to accept donations from others. Hence kindly do not donate to me as it will be difficult for me. Instead, directly donate to the Sadhana app page.

Thanks and Happy Republic day to all lovely people 🙂

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