After a long journey we finally arrived at the resort. Then resting for a short while we ran towards the beach.

The sun light reflected on the water and it appeared as if glistening diamonds and pearls scattered all over the surface of the sea. As I was staring at the nature the water came gushing towards me and embraced my feet. Its tender bubbling touch made me feel calm. No sooner my feet were under the water I stooped down and put my hand into the water and randomly picked some shells. The waves had brought numerous shells with it. I opened my hand and saw what I had collected. They were some beautiful white shells. This type I had seen for the first time. They were extraordinary and perhaps indigenous to this beach. I began collecting more. When a lot were accumulated I segregated them and kept the good one and remaining, threw back into the water.

I had not carried a pouch neither had pockets so I held them in my hands.  I thought I would keep them as a souvenir to remember the immaculate beach and our trip.

After sometime our tummies began to growl. We proceeded towards a faraway restaurant. No sooner we perched on the seats the waiter bought the menu card. We ordered the food really fast. Seeing the shells in my hands, my father in a concerned way, told me to give them to him because I would lose them. But I replied in a convincing way that I will keep them in the center of the table and that will be easy to remember to take them back. They were special and I did not want to lose them.

After a heavy meal we were back to the resort. We lazily entered our room and I rested on the sofa. I was just entangled in my thoughts of how much fun we had at the shore, the glory of the sunset, the sand castles, and the shells….Shells!!Where are the shells? I looked in my hands but they were not there. My joyful mood no longer sustained. I raised an alarm and started searching for the shells. But they were not there. Everybody was now searching. And they were soon tired.

I began to sob. Big tears ran on my cheeks. I was such an absentminded person; I had abandoned the shells on the restaurant table. We could not go back as the restaurant was quiet far. I wished I had handed them to my father. All my joy was deprived away. Finally mom tried to console me but I was not ready to halt my cries. She also opened her large pitara of stories which are my favorite but I felt them annoying at that time. Then after sometime my cries stopped but I was still very sad.

After this incident  I have made a principle motto for my life: to be more responsible and be twice cautious than before  and also before leaving a place check everything to ensure that I have not left out any essential thing forever .

I also think that sometimes in life we might lose something extremely precious and beloved. We might have to leave behind a lot of good things that are close to us like friendships, teachers, neighbors and even material things. And it is natural that we would be wretched regarding the loss. But remember that as we lose something we will always get something back much better than before. We should not be distressed of bad conditions but believe in God, think positive and believe that something better and more majestic would be waiting for us than the thing we had to lose behind.

I must have lost the shells but I got so many more chances to visit many more beautiful beaches and collect many more shells some more extraordinary and more fabulous then the ones which I had lost.


Image: Dimitris Vetsikas- Pixabay