“Love is not presence of a lover, it’s absence of our own mind and individuality. ” Taking this further from the previous post

As we have seen, love seems like a paranormal reality. It does not look practical; it’s rather surreal and magical. When love becomes earth bound, it takes seven different colors. Five of them are it’s variations based on different quantities of two ingredients, namely – freedom and authority. Two are it’s extremes – obsession and compassion.

Five different forms of love:

Devotion – where there is total trust in the object of love. Here we give our lover full freedom to be and to choose for us as well. Trust is directly proportional to the freedom that we provide the one whom we trust. It’s a kind of sweet madness.

Care – It has a slightly less degree of freedom. It happens when we (the subject of love) govern greater physical presence than our object of love. And it leaves us with the responsibility to keep the other safe and secure. But here, we tend to think that our love is greater sometimes becomes a false conditioning of mind ! This love is clearly seen between a parent and a child or a pet and its owner.

Respect – It has slightly lesser freedom, but the lost freedom is replaced by a commitment of being available, and assist in whatever form possible, even if it’s disagreeable to the other. It’s equal quantities of freedom and individuality. True respect commands compassion in the form of non-judgement. The two balancing axes are of freedom-individuality and commitment-compassion. This kind of love is seen in healthy marital relationships.

Attachment – Freedom (or trust) is even lesser here. Freedom is replaced by some kind of need. Need can be physical, psychological, financial, or social. Need arises because of incomplete sense of individuality. Most commonly it accompanies some sort of transaction. Most relationships are based on attachments. Therefore, slowly this kind of love become transactional over years and thereby resulting in insecurities between the two.

Possession – As insecurity keeps creeping in, it takes form of fear. Sense of incompleteness is even higher here, and it gives rise to a natural tendency to possess or own, giving negligible freedom to the other.

It’s best to possess material conveniences, be attached to that which grants possessions (work/profession), respect our partners/peers/elders, take care of youngers and be devoted to our Ishta or guru.

Two extremes of love:

First is Obsession or Hate. Both opposites accompany each other side by side, as one is incomplete without other.

If we are obsessed with something or someone outside ourselves, we most probably hate something inside us. This self-loathing takes form of guilt, and shame eventually producing gross chemicals inside us which takes form of disease in our bodies and ultimately becomes a cause of our destruction.

If we hate someone or something outside us, we are probably self obsessed with something inside or about ourselves. We tend to show off, while creating enemies around us. This leads to unnecessary worry and stress, creating a need of self protection mechanism which costs us our mental peace. It sucks out the juice from our life as we can’t enjoy what we are gifted with.

Second is Absolute Freedom and Compassion. Both of them symbolize the key attributes of ideal object and subject of love respectively. One gives absolute freedom to the other – completely non judgemental in its nature, and the other showers infinite compassion in return. These are like the railway tracks tied up at the infinity. Absolute freedom lies in dark (death) and compassion (life) emanates light. Absolute freedom could also be understood as being indifferent with total acceptance and trust in the other. While non-judgemental compassion could be understood as Grace! A constant transformation keeps taking place catalysed by the complete trust existing between these two.

This extreme could be seen between an ideal seeker and a true guru. It’s like – if compassion is the light which illuminates, then indifference is absence of light or darkness. 

Just like light and darkness both coexist in this universe, transacting through black holes, similarly one who has mastered love (compassion) and indifference (freedom) alike becomes a version ultimate reality (ब्रह्म) himself, a replica of the whole universe.

A free-flowing Grace from the Sun takes 7 different hues to reach the dark indifferent world of earth to make it alive, worth living.
