When this end.
Let’s say you know the truth and none wants to establish that with you. You will cry, die and make your self death.
But nothing works as it’s all politics and power.
But what if the world was ending. What would you do?
People will make it as an opportunity to live, have meal with family, make love, and grasp a moment to recall all the good moments they had..
How less we would we have time. But the the watch will be having a lot as the circle goes round and round.
If this is life’s end then why to hold back so much of your self.
It happens like the window break into tiny crystal. Just like your heart. At the very first breakup, or something that made you just fall. And everything just stops for a while even your watch.
The air brush’s in and you become a star. Forever.
You are flying in the sky like dust and nothing matter not even you.
Maybe the new world calls you the morning star.
If you choice to burn yourself in the first place.
If any one wants to meet you they just have to look up. It’s upon you to be the star or the clear blue sky. Nothing matters at the end.
The new world being big enough to let you go…
But for some the star will be a hope to dream. Just look up sometimes, you will get your answers.
How long haven’t you seen a shooting star.🌟
Well I have seen it couple of days before. 🥴
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