1)      Love really happens just once.

2)      You really don’t have to give birth to a child to be a mother.

3)      Your only true soulmate is God.

4)      Love is the greatest healer. It is medicine.

5)      Respect your journey.

6)      Believe in yourself.

7)      Life is paradox. Don’t waste time understanding it.

8)      Set aside a year at least once in your life to get to know yourself and discover your purpose.

9)      Purpose too changes.

10)   You can never ask someone to stay in your life, if you do so, then you will lose the charm of the relationship.

11)   Your tears are so precious. Only God deserves them.

12)   Never explain yourself to someone who had really made judgment about yourself.

13)   You can never help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

14)   Most of the people are really happy in their own created drama. They are just interested in complaining, but very few choose to work on themselves.

15)   Cherish the discomfort. It’s a way of coming out of the comfort zone.

16)   Relationships are impermanent, yet they are divine.

17)   Give yourself the chance to make mistakes.

18)   Cherish all your failures.

19)   Sometimes the answer to your prayers is NO.

20)   Marriage is not compulsory.

21)   Learn to ride a bicycle.

22)   Do whatever it takes to protect your relationship because breaking of anything can happen in seconds, but it takes a lifetime to nurture and heal it.

23)   Letting go off someone whom you loved deeply is also Love.

24)   Your healing, happiness, and dreams are your responsibility.

25)   Never fight with your GURU.

26)   Never give the back the pain. Be compassionate because you know how it (pain) feels.

27)   At the end of the day, year, decade and life just LOVE matters.

What are your soul lessons? Do write in comment.

Thank you.

