I offer my humble Pranaams to you Rev. Sri.  Sri. Om Swamiji🙏🕉

As promised to myself, all I have been doing is Painting Portraits, sketching and immersing myself in the very joy of my passion. This is the second painting I have been working on past 3 weeks, the first one I showcased here  as I  restarted to paint by almost nine years of gap. Thank you Sri. Sri . Om Swamiji for making me believe to keep trusting and following  my inner passion. Above all listening to your Srimad Bhagwad Katha on YouTube whilst doing the same🙏 It has transformed  my being even the more. O Rev. Father Sri. Sri. Om Swamiji your precious wisdom , your humility full of His vision and writings has every answer to this Life. Is there anything more left for me to write? For how long can we moan when there is so much abundance of joy at every given step. I am glad you showed me the path of pursuing painting. On a serious note after hearing the Srimad Bhagwad Katha everything for me is answered.

Let my last breath come peacefully with your Blessings and in the Divine Presence . Immense Gratitude and prostrations at your lotus feet Swamiji, kindly accept 🙏
Friends I am sure many have heard the Katha but there could be many who have not, as I kept postponing for months and eventually when  I heard it last week I cried unconsolably, as there were moments of strength, compassion, love , pain and pure Bhakti felt. There were moments where Swamiji had tears in his eyes while narrating and that was even more moving. I feel so Blessed that I could experience his Divine Bhakti 🙏🌺 I would humbly request each one to listen to Swamiji’s Srimad Bhagwad Katha. I am enclosing the link of episode 3 which moved my core. Every episode is got all the learnings and wisdom much needed for a Soul. 

YouTube video

Sharing a Painting named “Evolution”, which I managed to complete with Swamiji’s Grace and shall keep sharing more with my OS family in future too as I owe it all to the Blessed platform here. This self taught artist could do only as much justice in depicting the Journey of the outer and inner Nature as we immerse and rise from the ashes. 
Thank you all for your precious time and May each one’s path be well lit with His Divine Grace🙏🕉

Jai Sri Hari🙏🕉

Siddhika Umesh