First i pay reverance to all the men and woman working continuosly for maintaining the harmony of this planet.

Om namah Shivay

First of all my special thanks to Om Swamiji for helping at every point of time. Not only helping me but also guiding me each time. Whatever i need to learn from him, i learned from him. The knowledge i received from him are very precious and valuable which i cannot get in any books. I am really grateful for it. The time has come where i need to go for self-study or self reflection. I am trying to study my own mind or my behaviour which need perfect precision, otherwise we will keep in repeating same things again and again and their will be no scope of improvement. All this will require patience and time. Till the time , i will be spending most of the time in solitude.

Secondly ,thanks to all the people of this community who knowingly and unknowingly helped me and also motivated me. I cannot take one name, but yes they are some favorites which i cannot deny. Inspite of having my favorite, i tried my best to remain neutral so i can understand other prospective also. Really by remaining neutral, i really felt to know other prospective also. The most important thing i learn is that everybody has the right to live without hurting other consciously.One should not make the slightest compromise in this matter.Really without being neutral or without being seeing from third person eye, it is very difficult to know other prospective. Special thank to the children who wrote really wonderful stuff . Frankly speaking their writing were beyond their age . I really  missing them. My request to them is that whenever they feel time , please penned down your thought. It really a great to learn from you all as we get to know new things from you all.

       Once again thank you and all the best to all of you. I am closing the comment section as it is thank you note.

Jai Shri Hari