That little girl
I know how you feel
It has never been easy
how I wish I could tell you
how strong you have always been

That little girl
The days you stood alone
Fighting all the battles
You never knew would find you
Wait, its not the time to give up yet

That little girl
Let the tears flow
Let the pain heal
I know its hurting you
Wait, its still not the end

That little girl
I know none walked with you
They never wished to come along
But wait, you got to face this alone
Expect not, because they never want to know

That little girl
Keep the hope going,
You will make it through this
If you fail to sail through
he will rush to get you

That little girl
Take your time, is all that I say
Am sorry you are hurt
More than you deserved
Do not look back, its all over

That little girl
The battle is still not lost
Take one day at a time
Please find yourself again
because I miss you alot..