I gaze upon your beautiful countenance

And feel I have come home Father,

Your guileless smile lights up

The darkest recesses of my heart,

Your resonant voice singing eulogies to the Mother Goddess

Awakens my dormant, slumbering soul,

I watch your slender fingers

Lovingly cleanse the face of Sri Hari,

   Your hand raised in benediction,

I observe, with awe, you sitting in meditation

Immersed and drenched in love for the Mother of all,

I feel that I have finally come home

To the place I really belong,

And I wonder,

What good must I have done to have obtained your Grace!

And the Grace of our lineage.

I am truly blessed!

Walk with me, my Father

For the journey is long and daunting,

With you by my side

I need not fear anything,

You are my Father, Mother, Guardian.

Walk with me, holding my hand,

Across my many lifetimes!

This ode does but little justice to our master but that is purely because of the limitations of the writer. I would like to paraphrase a few lines from the poem “Invictus” – Gurudev, you are the master of my fate, you are the captain of my soul! All glories to Gurudev 🙏.

Image Credit: Robert Kinser

My pranams at the lotus feet of Gurudev 🙏