A little bud burst from a stone, hidden behind the bushes, standing tall but alone.
Besides the scorching sun, the heavy rains and cruel winds, that it juggled, in a hope of becoming a flower, the naive bud struggled.
Then one day, a Bumble bee from far away lands visited the bud; the bud, shy and untouched for the first time felt its blood hurried and rushed.
It smiled, forgetting all its hustles.
It cried, for the blessings that rustled.
All along, it bloomed and bloomed into one of the most fragrant flowers,paying no more heed to its past’s dreadful scars.
Their eyes met, their hearts pumped,
Shying away from the ocean of love, in the depths they never jumped.
Hiding their feelings from each other, however they knew that the garden of flowers has an emotive colour.
The silence hailed and the words failed, and this is how the time sailed.
The day came for the Bumble bee to bid adieu, the flower paid its visitor a humble gratitude.
The flower cried the tears of love, hope and separation, however it was elated to see its garden blossoming with the memories to look back at and smile at the seasons of exhilaration.
The Bumble Bee and the Flower
In the garden of love ❤ 🌸
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