When you are six

They teach you to be mature

And when you are impossible

They claim “Time will cure”

They think they are always right

Because they are mature

They couldn’t be more wrong

But only “Time will cure”


When you reach the teens

And persist in being impossible

They say you are immature

You know its possible; Again “Time will cure”

Now you are out of your teens

You feel smug and mature

They say you couldn’t be more wrong

But “Time will cure”


When you are married and have children

You make decisions for them

That makes you mature then

But the elders don’t think thus

You forgive them while both think thus

Only “Time will cure”


When you child turns six

You decide the time has ripened

 For child to act mature

And the whole process repeats

But you don’t realize

Thus everyone decides “Time will cure”


Now closer to death

Looking around you think about the cure

for gnawing misery when it strikes suddenly

That you were never mature

It’s at this exact moment

that you have truly matured

But no one else realizes

That “Time has cured”