My older brother has been the more driven of the two of us. He’s always been the go-getter while I have been the one with many insecurities, preferring the shadows.

      He went to the United States of America at a very young age and, despite failing many times, was able to start a company that eventually became very successful and went public. And so, at about fifty years of age he retired!

      His real life began only after that because Archie came into it.

      My brother had been resisting the requests from his son and wife to get a pet dog. Somehow he did not like pets and he was very concerned that the care of the dog would land on him considering his retired state. Nevertheless the mother-son duo won.

      One fine day, a tiny, diminutive two month old pup landed up at their home and walked straight into their hearts. He was named Archie. Archie is a Bichon Frise’. He belongs to a breed of small, white dogs who are irresistible canine comedians. Alert and curious they operate under the assumption that there are no enemies, just friends they haven’t met yet. So you can imagine what kind of watch dogs they will be. They are charming with a happy-go-lucky personality that draw smiles and hugs wherever they go.

      My brother, a tough former CEO, fell completely under the spell of little Archie from the minute he arrived. A small bundle of joy with a phenomenally high cuteness quotient. Pure white, fluffy, with coal black eyes and a pink tongue, he was an absolute cutie! Archie too recognized his “mother” in him and the two became inseparable.

      Anna, who until then had left the care of their only child to his very capable wife, became Archie’s mother and father. He would pick up Archie’s poop, potty train him and take him on walks around the neighborhood. I was very happy that Anna was getting some exercise and remarked so. He laughed and said that Archie liked to stop and smell every single leaf, flower and plant on their beat. If Anna tried to tug at his leash the little fellow would just squat on his heels and refuse to move with the result that passersby gave him dirty looks thinking he was abusing a little doggie. Anna lost the battle even before it had begun and the walks became gentle strolls which did not exercise any part of his body! However, Archie loved these walks. The same unvarying route every single day.

      The Bichon breed have a very peculiar trait – after a protein meal they go berserk. The protein high would make Archie run around the house like a maniac. This is the Bichon “blitz” and is a source of great amusement to my brother’s family.

      Archie’s pet likes are my brother’s used socks and my sister-in-laws expensive slippers. If crossed, Archie goes and picks up the slipper, ready to chew it up, until Anna capitulates.

      Soon Archie had my brother wrapped around his little paw. The cutest is the way Archie begs for treats. He’ll come over to my brother, who’d be working on his laptop, and pat his thigh. He’ll do that a couple of times and if ignored, he’ll just close the laptop with his paw. This is the little doggie’s way of getting anything – a treat, a walk or to just be allowed to curl up beside my brother. Archie also cajoles my brother into giving him a tummy rub everyday!

      On days that my brother is travelling overseas, he’ll sit at the doorstep watching out for his return. Then after a few days he’d realize that Anna is away for a while and philosophically return to his routine. When Anna returns, he’ll be received with profuse licks and Archie will not leave his side out of fear that he might disappear again.

      Their bond has grown so much over the years that my brother speaks more about Archie every time he calls rather than about his son, who he used to dote upon. Archie, in turn, loves my brother so much that he rarely leaves his side. This goes to extreme lengths in that he insists on going into the bathroom and sits on the mat while Anna is on the throne. I think that is the utmost in loyalty considering how keen their sense of smell is :). What a fascination with smelly socks and bathrooms!

      This story is not just about how much a member of my brother’s family the little dog is but about the love that Archie has brought into his life. Anna had been going through difficult times when Archie arrived. The absolutely unconditional love and loyalty he has for my brother made him realize that he has someone special in his life. An angel, he calls Archie. Archie has this uncanny knack of sensing when his master is low. He’ll come and curl up beside him as if to say – hey, I’m here! A warm puppy is undoubtedly unadulterated happiness.

      The most amazing thing about Archie is his extreme fondness for the Vishnu Sahasranamam. My sister-in-law listens to the sacred names of Lord Vishnu everyday and each day Archie comes trotting up at the appropriate time and lies down next to the iPad. He then rolls on his back and goes into a trance for the entire duration of the chant. I did not believe my brother when he narrated this to me but then he showed me a video after which I was totally convinced. This has been happening everyday for many years now. Wonder how this spiritually evolved little creature came to be with my brother and his family. 

      As with us humans, Archie has now grown old and has been diagnosed with diabetes. The little fellow has to get insulin injections daily and this is hugely upsetting for all of us. My family here in India have grown to love this little dog whom we have never met. Just how much became evident to me when my father, who has drawn our family tree for up to eleven generations right up to Shadamarshana Rishi, seriously remarked that Archie needs to be added to our family in the genealogical tree. Amen to that.

      I can only quote the words of this lovely poem in the context of the little dog who has stolen our hearts.

      All things bright and beautiful,

      All creatures great and small,

      All things wise and wonderful,

      The Lord God made them all.

      My pranams at the lotus feet of Gurudev 🙏.