A little unruly behaviour by anyone, can upset me for a day or even days. When something like this happens, my mind ignores the abundance of blessings and clings to that one incident or that one person for a long time.

My husband calls it the luxury of time at my disposal which I choose to use for petty things. Maybe he is right as I am not occupied with professional work as of now or maybe it’s just my nature.

During these times of unrest, the  backyard of our home, where this beautiful mango tree stands, is one of my go to places for calm and healing. I usually sit there by myself or with a cup of tea and unwind.

Over a period of time my heart has formed a silent bond with this tree. It actually belongs to the neighbouring building, but its branches are mostly to our side of the house. Little birds keep landing on its branches for a while and fly away.

As I sit under its shade and look at its dancing leaves and their little joyous expressions, it feels alive ….Alive as in any speaking life form.

I feel that it knows I am here and I am looking at it. It started flowering in the beginning of January and now has tiny mangoes dangling to it. I love to notice these changes and I believe it is noticing me too.

People however come to it to either pull out its leaves during festivals or cut branches if there are too many. Apart from this, no one visits until it’s time for the seasonal bounty.

Summer time and the entire building committee assembles under it. A man is hired to carefully pluck the mangoes to be distributed to each house. A ritual I have witnessed since the last two years we moved in here ( our rental home),

And does this tree have an answer to my current state of mind. Certainly it looks like that. For this beautiful one is blooming and doing all that it is meant to do in its lifespan without a complaint. 

Today it guides my being to a truth that seems Universal. My heart is reminded that all that this tree does is to give itself completely by accepting the role designed for it. Unlike a human heart which hopes for a little bit of take for every give, maybe as simple as an acknowledgement, this tree is wise. 

It knows that it is planted by the Universe and its role is to simply give to everyone in the time and place where it stands. But I wonder without acknowledgement of its role how can it still bloom with joy? How can anyone do that ? Maybe the answer lies in the truth that it does receive an acknowledgement from the Universe that planted it here 

In the give and take here, the tree gives unconditionally and the Universe loves it back unconditionally. It does not need mortals with fading emotions to acknowledge and love it back. 

Maybe in life I am overlooking this simple truth. The love we pour on someone may at times return to us from someone else. The anger we show on someone may not come back from the same person. What is sent out by us to the Universe surely finds its way back to us through someone chosen by the Universe. 

This Mango Tree is forever blissful. It is carefree for it does not depend on those who use it or those whom it serves. It does not ask them to make it happy in return. There is absolutely no obligation on the receiver.

Maybe this is how I too should look at my life. People and opinions should not matter in the bigger picture. The real bond is only with the Universe.

All the love that is pouring from my heart, I assume is for an individual and maybe expect kindness in return. But the truth is that my loving emotions are getting emptied into the Universe and this is coming back to me as loving nourishment for my soul. 

May the awareness that all I am able to give is directed to the Universe which certainly reciprocates stay with me, removing my expectations from the world

I now look at the tree differently, and my heart automatically says a thank you.

Thank you for making my backyard such a beautiful scenic green.

Thank you for giving the little birds such joy as they playfully jump on your branches.

Thank you for your beautiful leaves to decorate our homes  

Thank you for your fruits that brighten the faces of children and adults.


Thank you for being here joyfully my friend and showing that the Universe is one’s only true eternal bond.
