The pain that the mother goes through,
When her child looks at her,
And sees nothing but a stone,
When her child looks at her,
But remains ignorant of her gaze,
Where she gazes back with love,
But that love is unnoticed,
The pain that the mother goes through,
When a child laments for everything worldly,
But doesn’t cry once for her,
Doesn’t ask once as to how is she doing,
Though she is rooted in joy,
She wonders why her child doesn’t understand,
That a simple enquiry makes her feel noticed,
The pain she goes through,
When the respect and her remembrance is done out of fear,
Out of compulsion to gain boons,
Where she is remembered but like a parrot,
A parrot simply repeats,
He doesn’t call out,
For a call is that of desperation,
A call is out of love,
Not to seek something but to simply see,
To simply see the other smiling with joy,
For the mother wonders,
I smile when my child is happy and glee,
But does my child ache to see me happy?,
Would he smile when he simply sees me at peace?
When he simply sees me at ease,
Mother wonders,
She truly wonders,
For she is tired of all eyes looking with dryness,
She is thirsty to see love,
For she wonders if I the creatress, am love,
Then why is my child so devoid of this love,
Oh my child,
Look at me with love,
For I am not a picture nor am I a mere sculpture,
I am rooted in every form and creature,
Know me, look at me, I see you,
I see you everyday but you disappoint me by not seeing me,
It feels as if my own child doesn’t recognise me,
I am here,
In your very heart,
In your cell’s every part,
For how can a mother and child be so apart,
Oh my child see me, feel me
I am there,
Don’t give me an empty loveless stare,
It isn’t something I like to bear,
See me with love,
And realize our bond is beyond time’s curve!

-Vedant Ranadive
-1st October 2022