This post is the result of a writing exercise that we were tasked with – “Write an Abecedarius” (a story written with sentences starting in alphabetical order). It has been an incredibly challenging assignment for me. After two failed attempts at stories, I decided to try a poem instead. This poem is the result. Needless to say, the time limit was non-existent as I tried to complete this assignment.ЁЯШ░

Armies to the 

Battle race

Content to have been called upon

Dares are raised, promises made

Enemy lines are quickly drawn.

Forced to choose a choiceless path 

Grow up fast

Hasten to death

Ink themselves in black,

Just out of puberty


Limp their way to bed. 

Merging across the borderlines

Night quickly descends

Orange embers light the sky and

Pierce the inky black.

Quietly, quickly the war 


Some with wealth, some with death.