Today is Day 3 of writing challenge created by our dear Editor Medha Shri . I am totally loving it. I wake up at 5 am and get ready for the 5.30 schedule like an eager school girl.  This is an unusual and brave attempt to develop and boost our writing our skills and also it is empowering our dear community to sit together , discuss and work. 

I was quite surprised to when I got a theme of writing a a post with sentences begining with the alphabetical order.

Given it a try and here is the result. unedited.

Can someone help me form three sentences with x, y and z.

A: A cup of tea

B. before the morning meditation

c. can make me really awake

d. during the entire morning

e. everyday

f. for many years now

g. greatful to the beautiful mornings

h.hearing a suprabhata song

I . in the misdt of morning sounds of birds

J . join me in this lovely mood

k. kittens are also waking up

l. love is their language

m. mine too

n. never a single boring moment with kittens around

o. only they are too impatient

p. pouring milk first for them

q.quenching their thirst of the day will be peaceful

s. serene and undisturbed

t. tuning into my work

u.under the guidance of Swamiji

v. very mindful today

w.with writing buddies


y .z

image credit Pexels: AlikoSunawang