
Switching pedestals of relationships…

One time here then there

When will I find those for whom I’m here?

Do they even exist?

Or do I search the wrong realm?


In bright daylight, I see walking shadows

At twilight, I dream of walking with you My soul…

I ask myself Should  My search end?

Or should I keep harrowing myself

Into these woods of transactions

Of demons, fallen angels, and broken hearts?

Is this the world I want to be in?


I want to unravel the truth about me 

Which the wise say is within me

So should I no longer be extravagant with time, energy, and emotions

And stop searching outside, which is already within me?


In temptation’s land called earth 

I have searched for them a lot, 

But now, tired,

I am asking all this to myself and contemplating something not yet in my experience 

Which my faith says must be present

With which my soul searching will end

And I will taste the pristine flavor 

Faith can do wonders and I have faith in faith.