Hello, everyone! I know I can’t be regular here but now, I am gonna try and keep updating you all about my recovery. By expressing my feelings here, it gives me strength, and all the tension and anxiety is released here.

For two months, I have been going to a different center now for exercise. As the exercises are better here and my recovery is good, I have become more independent now. I can do most of my daily chores myself. I have started practicing walking with a stick. My left leg has also shown some improvement but still, I can’t walk properly because of the left leg. There is also improvement in my left fingers. So still waiting for them to improve more. My balance has also improved. I do most of my exercises in a standing position without any support. So that’s a great achievement for me.

But the only drawback of this injury is that I can’t support my dad financially. Being the eldest one among the children, it was my turn to earn now, as I have told you before, that I have completed my masters. Due to injury, I can’t work because most of my time is spent on exercises only. Today, my dad has suffered a huge loss. There was a short circuit at the factory today and the whole factory was burnt down.
I couldn’t feel more helpless. I feel like I should cut the expenses and leave the exercises and help my dad. But I know he won’t let me stop the exercises. So let’s stay strong. We will come out of this situation very soon. And I hope to do my best and recover soon so I can help him.