When she was in 6th standard, there was a choice before her in her school to choose between music and painting class. She had to choose one as her subject. She chose music as she had no interest in painting.
Time passes by. After 12th, she joined university. At the end of her 1st year, she and her one close friend were chit-chatting about what they should do in the one month long holidays. She wanted to do something productive. The next day, her friend showed her, her paintings. The girl was so mesmerized by her paintings and decided to learn how to paint during her holidays. Her friend also encouraged her, helped her to buy basic necessary items for painting like a drawing book, paints, brushes, etc. Her friend also shares a few tips, painting ideas with her, so that she can paint.
Her holidays started. she went home. After 2-3 days, her friend send her a painting of the galaxy and told her to start painting. Now, it was her time to rock. she picked up all the paints, brushes, her painting book, newspaper, water and started painting with a lot of enthusiasm.
It was her first try and guess what, she failed miserably. She got fed up and wanted to quit painting but on the other hand, she didn’t want to give up so early. After days of watching tutorials on YouTube, she learned her mistake. Now she wanted to paint step by step. She starts with a simple painting.
She painted her very easy and simple painting. And voila! This time she was able to paint a good painting. Now she feels motivated and encouraged. She started painting, whenever she got the free time.
In 2-3 years, she made some good paintings. She even learned a lot about painting as which sheet is suitable for painting, what colors are good, about brushes, and different techniques to paint. she always shows her paintings to her best friend and her best friend gives her honest reviews about her paintings, and tells her if there is any scope for improvement.
In this picture, her recent painting.
In the 4th year of her course, she showed her paintings to her university friends. They praised her paintings and the step she took in deciding to paint. She feels satisfied as her paintings got praised. 4 years ago, she wasn’t able to paint and now she painted beautiful paintings.
Her 4 years of hard work and practice pays off when her paintings got displayed in an art exhibition at her university. That is a milestone for her. Her practice, her determination makes this possible.
Now on to the main point, why I am sharing her experience. Because the girl is me.
I wasn’t able to paint and had no interest. But I developed this interest. One day, one of my friends asked me “Why do you paint?” And I smiled at him and replied,”Painting is like therapy for me. It gives me satisfaction, peace. Moreover, I achieved it with years of practice. Whenever I feel low, I paint. It makes me relaxed and calm.”
The thing you thought you weren’t able to do is not true. You just need determination, believe in yourself and you can achieve anything you want.
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