As i was stuck in lift i prayed to Swami ji and the lift itself mirracoulosly stopped at first floor though ground floor button was pressed on it( this is very uncommon,it’s a brand new well maintained functional lift).

I picked up a strolley and my lap top bag ( it had no lap top but acted as a purse with metro card , cash and a woolen shawl,hung diagnoally from my shoulder to my stomach).

I walked till the metro which is 6 minutes and 400 meter walk from our residence,on the way encountering a mad man with sticks around his hair,a sex worker who was being haggled by some two wheeler ridden boys,some street dogs and a petrol pump worker!

Delhi doesn’t have a very good crime record and s i was extremely cautious if any car or auto doesn’t pull me in these wee hours with no one on road!

The aarti sound and temple bells of a Hanuman ji temple across metro station symbolically approved my going and reassured me to keep the faith and trust.

As i reached the metro station all draped in thermal inner,woolen shirt,full high neck Eskimo red Santa clause sweater and an antartica jacket with woolen cap and neck gear , even the security staff ( of all men) asked me to relax, i was sweating!

A wait of 10 minutes and the metro was there ,it was filled with sleeping kids and women ( i took the women coach).

As i reached the last station HUDA City centre which has 4 exits i was flooded by atleast 50 autos bullying each other on who’s passanger was whom! 

I contacted Dipti Om jee who asked me to walk towards signature towers.That 5 minutes walk made my mind and body be extremely careful and cautious of my physical security. 

As i met Dipti and we picked up Neha, another co devotee we were all set to reach ashram now without a break.

Unless u don’t reach ashram on the way it’s always trust ,faith,reality, practicality,logic and mental insecurity battle .

We reached ashram at 4pm and were told at reception due to heavy occupancy i had to share a single room with 4 devotees.

So i reached ashram…if any one interested to know what happened next i continue the writing other wise enjoy my dance outside Swamiji cottage….