.              What is love

Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure

One exemplification of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse, which differs from the love of food. Most commonly, love refers to a feeling of a strong attraction and emotional attachment.


  What is unconditional love?

Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations, or love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism or complete love. Each area of expertise has a certain way of describing unconditional love, but most will agree that it is that type of love which has no bounds and is unchanging. 

Unconditional love, simply put, is love without strings attached. It’s love you offer freely.

You don’t base it on what someone does for you in return. You simply love them and want nothing more than their happiness.

This type of love, sometimes called compassionate or agape love, sounds familiar. Maybe it brings to mind the love one’s parents have for you or the love you have for your own child.

What is unconditional love?

The term unconditional love does not mean love without limits or bounds. It means, “I offer you my love freely without condition.” This means that when we offer our love, we offer it without expectation of repayment. It is important to offer this type of unconditional love in our relationships. Otherwise, we are offering love with “strings attached.” This creates power and control imbalances.

                                       Is there anything like unconditional love

There is no such thing as unconditional love, nor is there any such thing as “the one”.

Unconditional love is said with the intent that no matter what I’ll always love you, ergo unconditionally. But that doesn’t make sense.

Unconditional love can’t exist because there is no such thing as unconditional attraction. We are attracted to certain people based on certain conditions that must be in place and thus, we love on certain conditions as well. 

You should want conditions. The person that chooses you, you want them to choose you because you stood out in a conditional way. Otherwise, your partner could have chosen anybody. So having the right expectations and understanding everything is conditional. Our emotions are conditional. How will we feel today? It’s based on the conditions of what happens today and how we respond to what happens. And this is a much more healthier way to think.

As Sadhguru says,”There is a dream of many people:- unconditional love 

There is no such thing-in every relationship there are conditions 


Mother’s love is said to be the best example for unconditional love

Mother’s Unconditional Love That old saying, “No one loves you like your mother”, rings true now that I am older and have finally come to the realisation that it could not be more true. 

. As a child wanders and strays, finding his bearings, he needs a sense of absolute love from a parent. A mother’s unconditional love can’t be replaced. unconditional love between partners is always not that stable and sometimes it may end in the worst possible way.

Mother’s love is something that no one can explain, It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain, It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may for nothing.


Why is unconditional love so important? 

Because it affects so many aspects of mental and physical health. Multiple studies have revealed the positive effects of unconditional love, which include

Healthier brain development in childhood

Enhanced ability to forge positive relationships

Greater stress resilience

Stronger immune system.

Moreover, researchers have documented the negative results when children do not receive unconditional love. Therefore, evidence shows that unconditional love is one of the most powerful factors in healthy development for children and teens.



It can be concluded here, here is the proof that no love is loved unconditionally, there is nothing known as unconditional love,

every relationship has conditions. Just parental love, especially mother’s love if given unconditionally, can help a child to grow physically, emotionally and mentally.