1) The mind knows not the reasons of the brain. 

2) We live through metaphors and metaphors live through us: warm days make warm people. 

3) Remembering something doesn’t mean it happened. 

4) Finding a rational justification for moral decisions isn’t easy. 

5) Religion and science agree: if you feel really bad about something you’ ve done you should take a shower. 

6) You know more than you know there is to know, but you know less than you think you know about knowing. 

7) Our unconscious can read. 

8) You hear with your eyes and see with your ears. 

9) We don’t choose something because we like it, we like it because we choose it. 

10) We believe we want to do what we are doing, otherwise how would we explain to others why we are doing it?

11) Arguments are used for defending choices, not making them. 

12) If you talk to yourself you’re mad. If you talk  to your computer you’re normal. If you talk to your car, it’s time to get a new one. 

13) Asking consciousness how we will be perceived after we have done something is like asking a management consultant whether a factory will be profitable after we’ve built it. 

14) Our eyes are on the front of our head, which makes looking at ourselves difficult. 

15) A lamp doesn’t need to know why it shines light when it’s switch is flicked. We don’t need to know why we do what we do when we do it either. 

16) We hear our name in a crowded room because we are the most interesting thing to ourselves. 

17) Having a picture of your family on your desk might make you work harder but you’ll be rattier when you get home. 

18) Knowing that you are trapped in an illusion doesn’t help you to escape. 

Jotting down just a few incredible points I discovered in this publication by Chris Paley in 2014 which changed my way of thinking. 

unthink 2014 Hodder & Stoughton

“Why you don’t think the way you think you think.”