Earlier I have written Ramcharitmanas prasang of Hanumanji meeting Bharatji. It can be read at here.

In this post, I am describing the meeting of vibhishanji with Bhagwan hanuman (as given in ramcharitmanas). This is very important samvaad between 2 bhakts. Vibhishan narrating his story said:-

सुनहु पवनसुत रहनि हमारी। जिमि दसनन्हि महुँ जीभ बिचारी॥
तात कबहुँ मोहि जानि अनाथा। करिहहिं कृपा भानुकुल नाथा॥

This is literally the life story of every bhakt, he while performing his duties thinks sometimes what i have to do? I have to do bhakti of Bhagwan or follow my duties or renunciate the world or forget everything ? So Vibhishan has said सुनहु पवनसुत रहनि हमारी। जिमि दसनन्हि महुँ जीभ बिचारी॥ O son of wind! Listen to me I live here like a poor tongue between my teeth.

Without altering the flow i am giving below the description as written by revered Tulsidasji 🙏🙏:- 

लंका निसिचर निकर निवासा। इहाँ कहाँ सज्जन कर बासा।।
मन महुँ तरक करै कपि लागा। तेहीं समय बिभीषनु जागा।।
राम राम तेहिं सुमिरन कीन्हा। हृदयँ हरष कपि सज्जन चीन्हा।।
एहि सन हठि करिहउँ पहिचानी। साधु ते होइ न कारज हानी।।
बिप्र रुप धरि बचन सुनाए। सुनत बिभीषण उठि तहँ आए।।
करि प्रनाम पूँछी कुसलाई। बिप्र कहहु निज कथा बुझाई।।
की तुम्ह हरि दासन्ह महँ कोई। मोरें हृदय प्रीति अति होई।।
की तुम्ह रामु दीन अनुरागी। आयहु मोहि करन बड़भागी।।

lankå nisichara nikara nivåså, ihå kahå sajjana kara båså.
mana mahu  taraka karai kapi lågå, tehi samaya bibhishanu jågå.1.
råma råma tehi sumirana kinhå, hædaya° harasha kapi sajjana chinhå.
ehi sana hathi karihau° pahichåni, sådhu te hoi na kåraja håni.2.
bipra rupa dhari bachana sunåe, sunata bibhishana uthi taha åaye.
kari pranåma puchi kusalåyi, bipra kahahu nija kathå bujhåi.3.
ko tumha hari dåsanha maha° koi, more  hridaya priti ati hoi.
ko tumha råmu dina anurågi, åyahu mohi karana baRabhågi.4.

Shri Hanuman thought that how a gentleman lives in demons pervaded Lanka. Meanwhile, Vibhishan woke and recited Lord’ name which hinted that the person is Lord devotee and there is no harm in seeking his friendship as a devotee can not be harmful.  

He began to repeat Shri Ram`s name in prayer and Hanuman was delighted at heart to find a virtuous soul. “I shall make acquaintance with him at all events; for one’s cause would never suffer at the hands of a good man.” Having thus resolved he assumed the form of a Brahmana and accosted Vibhishan. As soon as he heard Hanuman`s words he rose and came where the latter was. Bowing low he enquired after the Brahma`s welfare: “Tell me all about you, holy sir. 

Are you one of Shri Hari`s own servants (Narada and others)? My heart is filled with exceeding love at your sight. Or are you Shri Ram Himself, a loving friend of the poor, who have come to bless me (by your sight)?” 

तब हनुमंत कही सब राम कथा निज नाम।
सुनत जुगल तन पुलक मन मगन सुमिरि गुन ग्राम।।

taba hanumanta kahi saba råma kathå nija nåma,
sunata jugala tana pulaka mana magana sumiri guna gråma..

There upon Hanuman told him all about Shri Ram and disclosed his identity as well. The moment Vibhishan heard this a thrill ran through the body of both and they were transported with joy at the thought of Shri Ram`s host of virtues.

सुनहु पवनसुत रहनि हमारी। जिमि दसनन्हि महुँ जीभ बिचारी।।
तात कबहुँ मोहि जानि अनाथा। करिहहिं कृपा भानुकुल नाथा।।
तामस तनु कछु साधन नाहीं। प्रीति न पद सरोज मन माहीं।।
अब मोहि भा भरोस हनुमंता। बिनु हरिकृपा मिलहिं नहिं संता।।
जौ रघुबीर अनुग्रह कीन्हा। तौ तुम्ह मोहि दरसु हठि दीन्हा।।
सुनहु बिभीषन प्रभु कै रीती। करहिं सदा सेवक पर प्रीती।।
कहहु कवन मैं परम कुलीना। कपि चंचल सबहीं बिधि हीना।।
प्रात लेइ जो नाम हमारा। तेहि दिन ताहि न मिलै अहारा।।

sunahu pavanasuta rahani hamåri, jimi dasananhi mahu ° jibha bichåri.
tåta kabahu  mohi jåni anåthå, karihahi kripå bhånukula nåthå.1.
tåmasa tanu kachu sådhana nåhi,° priti na pada saroja mana måhi°.
aba mohi bhå bharosa hanumantå, binu harikripå milahi nahi santå.2.
jau ° raghubira anugraha kinhå, tau tumha mohi darasu hathi dinhå.
sunahu bibhishana prabhu kai riti, karahi sadå sevaka para priti.3.
kahahu kavana mai parama kulinå, kapi canchala sabahi° bidhi hinå.
pråta lei jo nåma hamårå, tehi dina tåhi na milai ahårå

“Hear, O son of the wind-god, how I am living here: my plight is similar to that of the poor tongue, that lives in the midst of the teeth. Will the Lord of the solar race, dear friend, ever show His grace to me, knowing me to be masterless? Endowed as I am with a sinful (demoniac) form, I am incapable of doing any Sadhana (striving for God-Realization); and my heart cherishes no love for the Lord’s lotus-feet. But I am now confident, Hanuman, that Shri Ram will shower His grace on me; for one can never meet a saint without Shri Hari’s grace.

It is only because the Hero of Raghu’s race has been kind to me that you have blessed me with your sight unsolicited.” “Listen, Vibhishan: the Lord is ever affectionate to His servants; for such is His wont.ell me what superior birth can I claim—-a-frivolous monkey vile in everyway, so much so that if anyone mentions our name early in the morning he is sure to go without any food that day.

अस मैं अधम सखा सुनु मोहू पर रघुबीर।
कीन्ही कृपा सुमिरि गुन भरे बिलोचन नीर।।

जानतहूँ अस स्वामि बिसारी। फिरहिं ते काहे न होहिं दुखारी॥
एहि बिधि कहत राम गुन ग्रामा। पावा अनिर्बाच्य बिश्रामा॥

 “Listen, my friend: though I am so wretched, the Hero of Raghu’s race has shown His grace even to me !” And his eyes filled with tears as he recalled the Lord’s virtues.“It is not to be wondered that those who knowingly forget such a lord and go adrift should be unhappy.” Thus recounting Shri Ram`s virtues, Hanuman derived unspeakable solace.


  • I am also sharing a mp3 containing these verses which are sung by AIR Team, about which I have written here. The main basis of writing this post is that mp3
  • One Other Link for Hearing These verses by IIT Kharagpur is Here.

P.S. :- सिय राम मय सब जग जानी।

          करहु प्रणाम जोरी जुग पानी ।।

Photo Courtesy:- Gitapress Gorakhpur

Jai Shri Ram !!


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