Waiting Is Everything…

As I await You My Mother  

At the doorstep of My heart 

You have not yet arrived 

It has been an eternity looks like


Earlier there were tears shed

A list of verses read for You 

There was a broken heart too

That earnestly called only You 


Not finding Your glimpse

Hurt my being and my heart

Yet there was no giving up

For You are all that my soul asks


Today the wait still goes on 

Yet there are no tears shed now 

No complaints sent across to You 

Asking why You have not arrived 


For the heart has found comfort 

In forever dwelling on Your Form 

In thinking about You all the time 

In knowing You alone are my all 


Waiting for You is a celebration 

It is the sweetest way to spend time 

You Who fill the entire Universe

Fill the expanse of my little heart 


Waiting is my prayer to Your Feet 

Waiting is the only offering I give 

Waiting is a way to feel Your Presence 

Within without everywhere around

