Here swami vivekananda reminds us of our divine nature by telling us a story… 

A lioness in search of prey saw a flock of sheep and jumbed upon one of the sheeps… as soon as she jumbed she gave birth to a cub and died. The cub soon started to live with the sheeps… he used to eat grass and bleat… which made him weak and miserable.  One day a stranger lion saw the weak lion and told him that he was a lion and not a sheep… and as proof… they both went to a lake and saw their reflections in it… the stranger lion said ” see…you look like me” the stranger lion roared and asked the other lion to roar like him… he tried nearly a 100 times and then roared as grandly like the stranger lion… 

The story tells us that our mind is very courageous and mighty but we don’t understand that fact… we think our mind is a very delicate organ… this thinking overall affects our body , character and our behaviour in many ways (just like the cub was bleating) we follow what others do just like a sheep does….our mind becomes so weak from this that it doesn’t realizes it’s full potential and doesn’t makes the right decisions!…. when god or some divine being enters our lives (like swami ji 😁) then we realize that we are too a lion… but a weak lion…. guru trains us and we fail thousand times but at last due to repetitive practice we find success 😊 and roar as majestically as our guru or bhagwaan! 😄 

Thank you