Blind since childhood but filled with devotion for Hari, got divine eyes to see him. He was Sooradas Ji. I bow down to his devotion.

In this phrase Sooradas Ji is explaining our condition by referring himself. Do you think he is not seeing Hari? Still pointing out himself that he didn’t used his body in the service of Lord. It’s because he is giving real teaching to this world by his own actions.

Listen to this beautiful pad of Soordas Ji.


काया हरि कै काम न आई

भाव-भक्ति जहँ हरि-जस सुनियत, तहाँ जात अलसाई।

लोभतुर ह्वै काम मनोरथ, तहाँ सुनत उठि धाई।

चरन-कमल सुंदर जहँ हरि के, क्‍यौंहुँ, न जाति नवाई।

जब लगि स्‍याम-अंग नहिं परसत, अंधे ज्‍यौं भरमाई।

सूरदास भगवंत-भजन तजि, विषय परम विष खाई।।


In the YouTube link you can find the translation as well.

Here it is:

YouTube video


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Narayani Namostute 🌼