In the Givers for cause watts app group, i m a part of for raising medicinal donations and ration donation for below poverty line opd patients of Aiims hospital,there was a request for donating Rooh awza! My co sevaite qouted that some kids are so vulnerable that they cant eat langar food due to chillies in it.Since they stay on road and have no resources to cook food, the rooh afza we ll donate them would be used by their parents to feed them roti dipped in it! I remembered my child hood when Rooh afza milk was a regular before leaving to school and Rooh afza sharbat was usual welcome drink after returning home! Since we have had close association with Muslims as freinds and acquaintance, it is mandatory that when at iftaar,they open their Roza ,they definitely take Rooh afza as a refreshing drink.Rooh means soul and afza means nourishing ,its manufactured by Hamdard meaning compassionate freind who understands our pain! Isnt Swamiji too our Hamdard Rooh afza! Also all Sikh chhabeels to mark martydom of sikh gurus always has milk water and roohafza drink to make all passer byes cool in heat of summer season! Even on ekadishi brother usually gift their sisters Roohafza bottles with musk mellon. While Roohafza was made by a Haquim Majeed to combat dehydration and diarrhea among Delhi people in 1907 in Ghaziabad, now its available in Pakistan and Bangladesh too! With innovative receipies as Falooda,cake ,lassi,firni,ice lollies,coconut sweet pulav,souffle,milk shake ,custard mojito all containing Roohafza as main ingredients, it was always served in our school camps too as morning breakfast milk accompalice! How do u use this desee soft drink?