I offer my humble obeisance to you Rev. Sri. Sri. I’m Swamiji🙏🕉 May Mother Divine Bless you with good health, love and peace. 🌺🙏🕉

“I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

  The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything”.

– Devi Sukta

To, ‘ The Divine Mother’  I offer my little humble offering in the simplest form of words🙏🕉🌺

I am flowing in remembrance of  the 
radiance each day….

Tip toeing to a deeper freedom on Thy crafted way ~

There is no heirarchy of being heightened  or less….

 As this Soul is bowing down to You to be eternally Blessed~


The stringed beads of  love that I drape  today….

Is just a reminder that can be re-formed anyday~

The Storms so intricately desgined to match my outfit….

Oh My Mother, in this world I exist as a mere misfit~

The environmental rattling  provokes and shakes my Soul….

as I keep trodding towards the ecstasy of my Shore~

In gratitude in simplicity this eternal existence speaks…

as it keeps surfing through the  lowest and the highest peaks~

Both laughter and  tears, are amusing intensities of earthly flowing…

for life is just about bearing the fruition of  this  inner knowing!!~

The Passions, the goals, the dream road to success…

are mere swirling friends on this dance floor to regress~

There is no desire of thirst or 
craving  passages of  hunger…

its pure Grace of Mother Divine to whom I  have surrendered … 

Holy “ONENESS” of  breath magnanimously speaks through the eyes

In Thy sacred potion of waters the whirling consciousness of my “Sufisim” lies~

Love you ‘My Mother’🙏


Much Love, Light and Peace surround you my OS family. 🙏🕉

Jai Maa DUGGA🙏🕉🌺

Siddhika Umesh

Pic courtesy : Pin interest