“Nothing happens by chance, by fate. You create your own fate by your actions. That’s Karma.”

The source of this quote is unknown but these words have a lot of depth. We all blame our fate for whatever happens in our life especially when something goes wrong. Whenever we suffer, we often use one sentence at ease, “God has written that in my destiny”. But we never think about our actions. Our actions are responsible for our bad results and not our fate.

I would love to share a little story here: A few months ago, I joined an organization as an assistant accountant. When I joined, I had no idea what was waiting for me there. I faced arguments and embarrassing moments. I always thought that my boss and the others around me were cruel and non-sympathetic. This proved to be a major challenge for me as I had no experience in handling people.

So one day, I had a small argument with my boss (At times, I thought it was a regular thing to argue in times of conflict). I wasn’t in the right mindset to contain the negativity and hence I quit the job. I always blamed my boss for that. I played the blame game on my boss since it is human conditioning to blame someone else for our mistakes. With time, I realised I was a bit wrong too and found my own mistakes. I was not capable of handling the situation well and most importantly I was not ready to take on too much work pressure. The decision of quitting my job was solely mine and my boss hadn’t asked me to quit. My boss called me after some days to join back but I did not join as my ego didn’t allow me to. Nevertheless, I was in another company for an interview and I got a better job.

In the whole story, you can see that I did not even blame my fate but blamed my boss. Having said that, there were moments when I thought my destiny had better plans for me. This is what we all do. We all know that God has plans for us but we often forget that we also need to put efforts. Most importantly, we ought to check our actions mindfully because karma is a real thing and it comes back to you.

I am a strong believer in karma. When we smile at somebody, we receive a smile. When we give love to somebody, we receive love and when we hate or envy somebody, we receive the same. Life is not very complicated as we make it to be. It seems complex because we do not take responsibility for our own actions. We are caught up in finding faults in other people rather than rectifying our own mistakes. Subconsciously, we all know who is responsible for certain things, but we often don’t want to accept it.

So, let us take responsibility for our own decisions and actions because karma comes back to you.

Thank you, Sanjana Didi, for helping me in editing my work


Thank you,

Riya Om