Most of us feel that we need a language to communicate with God. But if there is no language but just sheer love ??

My cousin is a real dog lover. Every stray dog in her locality knows that they will get bread and biscuits morning and evening ,in front of her house. As she was living in a building she felt it wasn’t fair to keep a dog, because he won’t have enough space to run around. Her husband retired and they finally settled down in their own house,  having a big lawn. 
   Finally the day came when she was able to get a golden retriever pup home. My cousin’s kids are settled in cities far away, so this tiny pup – Sparkle – became the reason for laughter and joy in a quiet house. He of course had his ups and downs regarding health but  is robust and fine now.

My brother in law,has the routine of getting up at 4.30 every day and saying his prayers – meditation etc till 7 in the morning. He wakes up my sister for his morning cup of tea which she makes, while she is half  asleep and then crawls back to bed. They don’t have any formal Puja room. But one corner of the extra bedroom is specifically for Pooja. There is small carpet on the ground and on the wall they have mounted a small mandir. Sparkle was trained never to sit on the carpet, something which he picked up pretty fast. Very often during the day he will come and stand in front of the mandir and keep gazing at the various idols- as if he is talking to them. 
Every morning when my brother in law starts reciting his Pooja, Sparkle comes and sits next to him, but not the carpet. The prayers are recited in a moderately loud tone. And for nearly 2.5 hours the dog sits quietly without moving- listening to the prayers. I don’t how it happens but as soon as my brother in law reaches the last stanza, Sparkle rushes to get his leash because he knows it’s walk time now.

My brother’s dog who is just 9 months old- sits with mom and listens to “katha” every day at 8 in the morning. Where ever Zoe is playing, she will be sitting in front of the TV ,dot on time. My mom might get late but she doesn’t.As soon as the katha is over she  goes to the garden to play. It’s amazing to watch her. You clearly get the feeling, that she understanding everything. 
  If only the language of love which has no vocabulary is the criteria for going to Heaven, both Sparkle and Zoe are strong contenders for a seat up there.